Online – The world is my oyster. I have boards full of all my dreams come true – houses, wardrobes, gardens. I can virtually live my dreams in every area of life.
I have a dream board – The Family Estate. In my dream life, I have chickens and goats and porch swings and barns. We eat lots of outdoor dinners, bug-free, of course, on our expansive lawn, on outdoor tables, with strands of twinkling lights all around.
I live in a beautiful home. It was my dream home nine years ago. Funny how our dreams grow and change so quickly, isn’t it? I still appreciate it, but boy, I sure long for my garden and my chickens. I have attempted a garden here several times. The only part of my yard that gets full sun is the front yard, and I believe growing corn rows in my front yard would be frowned upon by the HOA. So I stuck a small garden on a hill in the side yard, and we enjoyed a few tomatoes, cucumbers, lettuce, and even a lonely stalk of asparagus one year! But the surrounding trees got taller, and the sunny spot got smaller. The deer discovered it, and so did the squirrels and the moles. How much work it is to reap a harvest!
But every year in the spring my heart longs for a garden. I long to plant, to work, to tend, and to grow.
It’s a picture of life, as we all know. From the planting to the harvesting, but mostly, there is the waiting.
In my own season of waiting and loving where I live, I decided, encouraged by my man, to plant some veggies in pots on the back deck. My hopes are that the deer will not discover them there. I planted them late and don’t know that they will reach their full potential. Still, I enjoy watching them grow.
This year, we wait and we grow together.

I’m a writer with a lifelong passion for learning. I’ve spent the last 24 years momming, teaching my 3 almost-grown-and-flown children, and working with my husband of 26 years. I’m loving country life (being a pretend farmer) just outside my hometown of Richmond, VA. Here is where I’ll spill my guts on the things of the heart we all share: faith, life, love, family, and anything else that tumbles through my mind.